Insane In The Membrane

Let me begin by recommending to the readers that the best way in which to read this post is while listening to Cypress Hill “Insane In The Membrane” ! It is not only a classic, but also the most appropriate song with which I can think of dealing with todays blog post.

After years of rep grinding, I finally attained the ever elusive title of WoW titles, that of “The Insane!” For those who are unfamiliar that such a title/achievement, WoWhead has some basic information on it which I recommend reading as a good source material on the achievement, as well as a means to obtain the title and achievement if one so desires. It is definitely a very cool feeling knowing that I finally knocked out one of my long term goals in WoW.

So what do you say? Think you have it in you to become Insane in the Membrane as well?

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