How Best to Get Around Azeroth

One of the most significant aspects of the game which is not often addressed is the impact that traveling has upon the player. Time is money as the old goblin saying goes, which is quite a profound realization when one takes into consideration how much players traverse through the world to get to a certain point of interest. There are actually quiet a lot of clever and handy items and methods available  to players to help get around in a quick and efficient manner.

A great article that dives into this particular facet was posted on WoW Insider a couple of days ago written by Allison Robert. It is entitled “Potion, Portals, and Scrolls of Recall: How to get around Azeroth as quickly as possible” . It is a great read, one which I am sure will be quite helpful and insightful as to how to better “get around” our most beloved virtual world of Azeroth. Adventure awaits my friends…now you have at your disposal the knowledge on how best to get to where you want to go!

WoW Insider Article:Potion, Portals, and Scrolls of Recall: How to get around Azeroth as quickly as possible

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