As I have been traveling around the starting zone of the Jade Forrest, I have been taking screen shots of different locations and environmental landscapes which I thought were not only aesthetically pleasing, but way super cool too! Here are several that I would like to share just to give you a better idea of the new lands that we will be traversing and adventuring within. The Blizz art team really has done some awesome work! I will post some more in the next few days, so stay tuned!
MoP Beta: First Warrior Tanking Impressions
Blizzard released a new beta patch and with it, I thought it was time to give tanking a short little test drive to see how it feels with the new changes. The Protection talents I went with were: Warbringer, Impending Victory, Disrupting Shout, Shock Wave and Mass Spell Reflect. I went with tried and true Shock Wave since I felt it would it would leaned itself to tanking better with its twenty second cool down and decent damage along with including a stun effect. Eventually, I will give Bladestorm and Dragon Roar (aka Garlic Chili Blast) a spin to see how they each play out in terms of being tanking abilities.
Even though the new continent is “open”, I wanted to try out tanking in a more familiar environment, so I flew over to Blackrock Cavern and proceeded to solo the different mobs and the first boss. Suffice to say, tanking feels very natural and the actual rotation felt pretty smooth. It is apparent to me that I will have to get used to making use of Impending Victory when it is up , which is ever thirty seconds, but that will come easily enough with time. My new favorite addition to the tanking oration is that of Execute! It was really cool to be able to use Execute when a mob had low enough health. It made tanking feel more akin to being an actual Warrior!
A few other aspects I want to mention is that while Shield Barrier is nice, at 60 mana it seems a bit expensive to use. This might be one to lower the mana cost just a wee bit, in order to fine tune it. Time will tell. Another welcomed addition to the rotation is the ability to use is Hamstring. Replacing Piercing Howl with Disrupting Shout obviously alters the fact that I can’t slow down a group mob, but having the ability to Hamstring makes me feel much more comfortable as a Tank. I can see this as making those Warriors who PvP as Prot spec very happy indeed.
Right now I am leaning towards choosing Bloodbath when I hit 90. I imagine having an additional bleed effect will help dps down the mob I am tanking, coupled with a reduced movement effect will lend it self nicely to a smooth tanking experience.
One a side note, there are a few “bug” that I noticed right away with the actual game client. First, the Orgimmar portal in Dalaran is not functioning. Second, if you don’t want to go spat, don’t log out while on a flying mount and then log back in. I did that a few times this morning and let me tell you it was not pretty! Third, the ability to track Wild Battle Pets is now included within the Mini Map feature, but it is not working quite yet ,rather it targets npcs that are within the radius of the player.
All in all, I am pretty pleased with the tanking changes. Even though I just did a very short and simple test drive of sorts, it felt pretty smooth and “warriorish” if I can make use of that term. Obviously, there is still a lot of testing that I need to do as the beta goes forward, especially tanking level appropriate content within a five man group. So make sure to come back to check out my thoughts and impressions of the Mists of Panderia expansion, as well as our beloved Warrior class.
For the Horde!
MoP Beta Warrior Class Impressions
Having been fortunate enough to be chosen to be one of the first to try the MoP beta, I have to say that I am very excited! I was able to take part in every beta thus far, starting with the original beta for WoW, as well as every beta testing for each expansion. I still remember clear as day in the original WoW beta taking the sep over to Grom’gol, with one of my new in game friends who was named Wasabi (he was a super cool dude and once the game was released we lost touch unfortunately). We had no idea where the Zep would take us, and once we docked in Grom’gol we went to check out the sites and sounds of the jungle. There was absolutely no one around but the NPCs. Wassabi went ahead on the path with me following pretty far back. Pretty soon I see him running back towards me “yelling” to run back to camp. I thought what could be so bad? Behind him was this enormous crocodile that had a big X on its portrait! Talk about being being monster chow!
I will present my personal impressions of the MoP beta in the days ahead, but first I wanted to start off with sharing some of my thoughts about the Warrior class. There are quite a lot of sizable changes as you would imagine, which overall I am very pleased with. I really like the new talent system design and approach. It is very straightforward and clear to the player what the choices are for each ability. I am not one to change things just for the sake of change, but I believe this was a good forward movement which will help elevate a lot of players confusion and distraction with the talent trees.
Also of note, is the fact that many class abilities were reexamined and modified where needed. So for example, as an Arms warrior I no longer have to click Rend now, for it is removed from the game. That really helps to clean up my rotation and “flow” of fighting thankfully. So while the actual ability has been removed, it is now to be found when I use my Mortal Strike for it automatically applies “Deep Wounds” which is the new ‘Rend” like bleed effect which last for fifteen seconds.
One aspect of the Warrior class that I have been pleading for a long time and have left quite a few different forum post on is the removal of a particular stance requirement for an ability. So lets say if I wanted to use the Disarm ability, I would have to switch out of Arm and go into the Prot spec. The majority of Warriors would make use of macros to be able to do that quickly and efficiently, though to be honest I am not one who is too keen on having everything on a macro. It is a pain to say the least. Well, thankfully we don’t have to worry about that now. Disarm, Whirlwind, Intervene and Shattering Throw to name a few no longer require a particular stance! Thank goodness!
Right now my biggest wish on my Warrior wish list is my hope that Spell Reflect will be changed so that we will no longer be required to have a shield equipped in order to use that ability! That is one of my biggest gripes as an Arms Warrior, that in order to use Spell Reflect I must have equip a shield. It is utterly exasperating and vexing that we still are stuck with this game mechanic. I certainly hope that this is changed. I recognize the fact that using a shield is part of the Warrior class, but it is time to alleviate this very frustrating and non fun aspect of the Warrior game play design mechanic.
Another area that I would like to see changed is to allow Arms warrior to be able to equip an offhand weapon. As it stands now, I can only equip a two handed weapon. While I understand the reason behind this, it really limits the Arms player who might want to goof around with using a main hand and an off hand weapon for fun or for role playing purposes. I finally managed to acquire The Twin Blades of Azzinoth, yet as an Arms Warrior, I can’t enjoy having them equipped at the same time, since I am unable to equip the off hand! In order for me to equip them, I had to respect Fury! Talk about making me iFacepalm!
In terms of the actual game play and rotation as an Arms Warrior, I am pretty happy with what I have experienced so far. It feels very fluid and fun! The one comment that I would make is that while I love the fact that Slam is now an instant cast (Awesome! Thank you!), I can see there being some questions arising as to when to use it since both Slam and Heroic Strike now cost 30 rage and do just about the same degree of damage.
As far as actual talents that I chose, I went with Juggernaut, Impending Victory (I love it!!!), Disrupting Shout (seems pretty cool) and Mass Spell Reflect (Have to equip a shield to use, which as an Arms Warrior makes for frustrating game play). One of the new additions that we can choose is Dragon Roar. I have been calling this one Garlic Chili Blast…if you ever eat my beloved Garlic Chili you will get what I mean! It has been very cool and a lot of fun! It does a good amount of damage and also has a knock back, as well as a knock down effect!
Overall, I have been enjoying the MoP beta and my Warrior very much! I am very excited by what I have seen so far and what I have been privy to in terms of game play. It will be quite interesting to see how things proceed with the Warrior class and the game in general. I will definitely continue to post my thoughts and reflections in the days ahead!
Here are a few screen shots that I have taken thus far:
Why I Need Bigger Bags
Last night I was in a raid with a couple of my WoW friends and over Vent they were poking fun at the fact that I only have five open bag slot left. I promised them that I would make a post this morning to include screenshots of all of my “stuff”. Here they are! You can get a good idea of what I have within my personal bags, bank and void storage. It goes without saying that I sure hope we get like 28 slot bags and higher in the expansion, or an additional bag slot in our personal bank. What I really would love to have implemented is the tabard closet. The tabards I have on me are ones that the special tabard vendor can not replace if I were to “delete” those particular tabards. That alone would free up around twenty slots for me.
Between my weapons and armor sets, quest items, world event clothing and items, archeology finds and other such knick knacks that I have collected over the course of seven years, I really need to have more bag space. All of these items are soul bound to me (except for four items I believe…can you find them?), so I can’t send them off to my personal banker to hold onto. My personal bank is filled with all of my non soulbound items that I want to keep, such as the grey “armor sets”, rp items or funny objects. I even keep all of the distinct in game letters sent to Kernhoof that I have received from certain npcs as mementos for special events, quest and raids that award certain items within the mail!
Yes, I am a Hoarder (a Horde Hoarder you might say), I recognize that fact. However, all of the items that I have mean something to me, some have sentimental value of “good times” times one since passed. A lot of hard work and time have been put into acquiring many of these items, so for me these items which are in reality just a graphic pixel, do retain an inherent value or meaning to me.
Believe it or not, there are items that I have “deleted” to make space, that I wish I never had. Who remembers the “old skool” AV? How I wish we could have a special server just for being able to go back and play old AV. I would be there in a heartbeat! Well, one of the items that I deleted long ago that I miss was the Severed Night Elf Head and the Dwarf Spine! It was great fun to link those items in guild chat back in the day! One of my in game friends still has his! One of these days I will write about my beloved Goblin Smasher, as an example of a favorite item of mine. It will make for a good story!
So as I await for the expansion with much excited anticipation, I have my fingers crossed for bigger bags, an additional bank slot and a tabard closest! I can hope right!
The Pandas Are Coming!!!!
A very exciting announcement was released yesterday about the next WoW expansion entitled Mists of Pandaria. If you have not heard the news, check out the coverage from MMO Champion, WoW Insider and WoWHead. There is a whole lot of information to take in and digest. In an upcoming post, I will share my thoughts on the Warrior class changes that will be taking place. I have withheld my judgement and stance on the Warrior class changes, in order to allow the Dev’s to reveal enough information so as to be able to make a thoughtful post. I definitely have been following what they have been saying about my class! In terms of the general game information that was released yesterday, a few areas have me really pumped up!
There are two “mini” games that players can take part in if they so choose. These both seem totally cool and potentially a lot of fun. I am definitely looking forward to them with much anticipation. First is the non combat pet combat system. As an avid non combat pet collector, I was stoked when they mentioned at the last Blizzcon about the non combat pet battles. It looked totally amusing and engaging then and with the further information which was released yesterday, I am even more excited. I can’t wait to get in there with my little panda cub taking on other pet opponents. That will be fun, “competitive” and hilarious all at the same time by the looks of it!
The other “mini” game that they will have is something akin to a ‘farmville”, where players can manage a little plot of land and use it to raise herbs or other needed and useful items. It is possible to even have livestock, such as sheep , which would provide wool I would imagine. It seems like a pretty intriguing idea to me, and I am very happy that they are adding in more “mini” games into WoW. Perhaps if things go well enough with players managing a farm of sorts, it may lead to player housing or guild halls. All in all I am really keen on adding different game elements which allow more diversity of how one wants to spend time within the game.
One of the biggest aspects that I am really excited by is the fact that we get to travel to a new land of Pandaria. The screenshots that I saw from the Blizzcon presentations were absolutely beautiful! It will be really cool to finally be able to emerse oneself within the Pandarian landscape, which is grounded within an Asian landscape and perspective. One interesting aspect that the different developers kept harking upon within the media presentations was the aspect of wanting players to really explore and take in the new lands. I am exceedingly excited by their focus upon players doing just that. When I went through the Dark Portal back in the BC expansion, I was so taken in by the splendor of the “sky” over Hellfire, that I literally did nothing other than just take it all in for a good half hour. As a “hardcore” casual player, I relish how the different zones look and feel atmospherically. Even though I am no artists, I can at least really appreciate all of the many hours and days that go into making the world and the environment of the zones look as amazingly beautiful as they are.
One last thing I wanted to mention about the information which was released yesterday was the fact that there seems to be some notion that the Alliance will get some TLC in terms of the events in what are to transpire leading up to the release of the expansion, since the Alliacne players have qqed how the dev’s are so “pro Horde”. It was mentioned that the Alliance are to come into our main capital Horde city and take out our current Warchief Garrosh Hellscream, who “has become corrupted and has been doing some really nasty things beneath Orgrimmar.” While I am all for taking out the bad guys, it pains me that we have to have the Alliacne come into our “home” and remove our Warchief! There seems to be quite a lot of discussion as to just how and why Garrosh becomes corrupted. My bed is that it has something to do with Ragefire Chasm. I got into a long discussion last night with my buddy over Garrosh, so suffice to say that Horde players are still pretty divided on either being for or against him. Personally, I think he has grown into a pretty decent Warchief for the Horde. He is not perfect, but he was what the Horde needed in a Warchief. I will write more about Garrosh in a future post.
All in all, I am very excited for the Pandarian expansion and can’t wait to be Kernhoofian it up!!! Bring it on!!!!
For the HORDE!!!!!
A WoW Timeline
As one who really enjoys playing WoW, one of the aspects of the enjoyment for me is being immersed within a totally different “universe”. How cool is it to be playing a game in which the reality of the game is based within a very specific world, with a distinct history of events that have been carried out by a whole host of characters over a long period of time. Being within the world as a character (toon) who acts as a one who has a definite effect upon the course of the world is exciting!
Having played WoW for so many years, there really is a sense of history to my character, where I can think back to goals accomplished, villains slain, quest completed, Alliance slain. What is quite fascinating to me is that there is a definitive history or lore to the game as well. One of my fondest memories of the first Blizzcon I attended was being in the audience when Chris Metzen who is the ‘Loremaster” of the Warcraft universe spoke all about the history and lore of the game. I wish I had a video of it, for he was saying some really funny stuff. At one point, he was completely stumped by a very intricate question from an audience member who was like around nine years old. Metzens was stumped in his answer, to which he responded with a very clever and hilarious answer saying that since he was the Loremaster, whatever answer he provided would automatically be the correct one! Classic!
So with that in mind, I thought it would be nifty to share an article that I came across some time ago that I thought would be fun to share.
Disclaimer: This came from a WoW forum post if I recall, unfortunately I did not record who actually was responsible for putting together this very cool timeline. If any reader might be able to help with giving credit for the author please let me know.
Also to be noted is that this timeline is not based upon current events in the game, but serve to help give some background information as to the Warcraft history/lore.
Simplified WoW Lore – For all those just starting out, and those who just wonder from time to time what all these quests are about!
Basic storylines:
1. Creation of Azeroth (that’s the planet you start on)
~First there were a bunch of big ugly dudes. By big and ugly, I mean think of lobsters doing it with crabs, centipedes and eyeballs. And add some goo, bugs, snakes, tentacles and acid. They were the “Old Gods” and they had 4 generals, one for each element. They basically rolled around this planet making everyone really miserable. (This is who the Twilight’s Hammer worship!)
~ Then came the Titans. They’re basically sexy good-looking guys. They killed all the old gods threw all their generals into the ground and made everything pretty and nice. Some bits of the old Gods couldn’t be destroyed. Same with the generals. So they were sealed up in the earth and the generals were banished to the elemental plane. (note: This is where Ragnaros from Molten Core comes from! He’s the Fire General!)
~ The titans Blessed 5 dragons (one of each color) each with a unique magic and charged them with keeping the peace on Azeroth. This is where the “Aspects” come from. Ysera (green – dreams), Alexstraza (red – life), Nozdormu (bronze – time), Malgyos (blue – magic), Neltharion (black – earth/matter).
~ They also created Earthen to reshape the world. After the Earthen were done they went to sleep underground. (These are precursors to dwarves! The places they slept? Uldur, Uldum, Uldaman and Ironforge!)
~ The titans then left to do other stuff. (There are a few Titan-like creatures still in Azeroth, though, like Maiden of Virtue, Ironaya and Myzrael – that’s how we know they were sexy. XD)
2. Trolls
~ The first bunch of humanoids to walk on Azeroth were the Trolls. No one knows where they came from, but they are the oldest race on the planet (next to Murlocs, who don’t count).
~ The old gods, it turns out, still had influence over the planet from their trapped locations, and they started a huge war using the Qiraj, a bunch of ugly insects.
~ The Trolls managed to force the Qiraj to the ends of Azeroth, sealing them in two places: Ahn’Qiraj, in Silithus, and Azjol-Nerub, in Northrend.
~ The Trolls had several internal wars, and spread out all over Azeroth. There were 4 major factions at this point: The Jungle, Forest, Zandalar and the “Lost” Tribe that went deep into the mainland.
~ The Lost Tribe ended up in the middle of the major landmass – called Azeroth at this point, where a fountain of pure energy (The Well of Eternity) was. It mutated them into what we know as Night Elves.
3. Sargeras and the Burning Legion
~ The titans charged one of their members with wiping out everything that was evil in the universe. His name was Sargeras.
~ He became upset because evil seemed to be everywhere.
~ He was tricked by some of the people he was trying to save into thinking that evil was SUPPOSED to be everywhere. Or he just got so pissed off at his impossible task, that he just gave up and started to think that Evil was the natural order of things. (When people complain about this piece of lore, it’s because Blizzard changed it in TBC in order to make the Draenei)
~ He then decided that he was just going to corrupt everything with evil, and destroy all the good everywhere.
~ He made himself an army of demons (beings that are fully corrupted by dark magic) and called it the Burning Legion.
4. Nelfs and the Well of Eternity
~ The newly created Night elves (after fighting off the Trolls to protect the Well) worshipped the moon, believing she was the source of the power in the well. Others worshipped nature. They became Priests and Druids, respectively – this took some time to sort itself out, naturally. XD
~ The power of the Well fed them and extended their magic and knowledge. It may also have mutated quite a few of them into Moonkin/Dryads/Harpies, etc. (There are many myths about this that you run into, if you’re very curious, check out WoWwiki’s bestiary)
~ One of their queens (Azshara) realized that some of their people had strong gifts for Arcane magic. She called those Night elves “Highborne”.
~ Azshara began to experiment with the powers of the well, and in doing so caught the attention of Sargeras – who began to whisper to her through a portal she had opened using the well’s power.
~ Sargeras tricked Azshara into trying to summon him to Azeroth using the powers of the Well.
5. The Corruption of The Black Dragonflight
~ Basically after helping create the world with the Earthen, the various Dragons had gone to rest all over Azeroth. In the case of the Earth Dragon, Neltharion, he went deep underground.
~ While he was underground, the pieces Old Gods began talking to the great black dragon, convincing him slowly that he was the mightiest of all the dragons and he should take the powers of the other dragons for himself.
~ When Azshara began her spell, it roused his attention, because the very earth groaned with the horror if it – it shattered the single landmass of Azeroth into the word you see on your worldmap today!
6. Illidan The Betrayer
~ Illidan wasn’t a Highborne, but wanted to train in Arcane magic anyways. This was probably to catch the attention of Tyrande (current leader of the Nelf priests), who was and is in love with his Brother, Malfurion (current leader of the nelf druids).
~ When Azshara began to summon Sargaras, Malfurion summoned forces to stop her.
~ When Illidan realized that Malfurion was going to destroy the Well (the source of all elf magic!!) he turned sides and told Azshara what was going to happen.
~ Malfurion was only just able to stop the ceremony in time, but much damage was done – demons were flooding Azeroth and the whole world was torn into large pieces – literally, the well exploded and created the Maelstrom (that huge whirlpool you can see on your world map).
~ Illidan managed to save some of the water from the Well, and attempted to make a new well in order to preserve magic on Azeroth.
~ His brother caught him and stuck him in a cave.
~ The Highborne who were caught by the blast of the Well were mutated into Naga. No one knows why they took that form, exactly, but there is some theory that when the Well exploded it allowed Neptulon, (the water general!) to escape his prison, and it was his magic that mutated the elves.
7. The Creation of the World Tree and Deathwing
~ When Neltharion came out of the earth, he convinced the other 4 “aspects” (leader dragons with magical powers) to give him all their power (into an item called the Demon soul) so he could seal the portal/slay the demon horde.
~ Naturally he tried to kill them all instead.
~ Now called Deathwing, Neltherion basically obliterated nearly all of the flights – they were barely able to scrap enough magic together to protect themselves and a scant few eggs.
~ Malfurion managed to steal the Demon soul with Ysera’s help and eventually it was hidden in some undisclosed location – possibly the Emerald Dream (which is why it’s now corrupted in the Wailing Caverns and the 4 green world dragons).
~ Deathwing trashed the planet in his rage, and Malygos, horrified that he had helped convince the other dragons into his brother’s trap, went to Northrend in a sort of self-exile.
~ The other three dragon-aspects realized what Illidan had done, and headed to Hyjal.
~ The well that Illidan had created was corrupt – so in order to seal it, 3 of the dragons, Alexstraza (the red dragon of life), Nozdormu (the bronze dragon of time) and Ysera (the green dragon of dreams) planted and grew a magical tree over top of the corrupt well.
~ The three dragons blessed and charged the Night Elves to protect the tree from invasion and to destroy any demons they found, as well, they had to send druids to spend time with Ysera in the Emerald Dream. In return they would become immortal.
~ This tree was called Nordrassil, the World Tree. Teldrassil (the Nelf Starting area) is actually a SECOND world tree.
8. Draenei/Eredar/Orcs/Legion
~ As Sargeras found more things to corrupt he ran into a group of magic users who were very powerful. They were called the Eredar. Two thirds of them were hungry for power, and were corrupted.
~ The final third, led by Velan ran away from Sargeras, aided by the Naaru.
~ They traveled to many worlds but were always found.
~ Finally they landed on a world inhabited by peaceful shamanic tribes of a simple people called Orcs. They had found a new home, and called it Draenor, and themselves Draenei.
~ They were found here as well, by Archimonde.
~ Kil’jaeden (one of the Eredar leaders) tried to trick the leader of the orcs, Ner’zhul into tying his people to the Legion – promising him wealth and power. While Ner’zhul refused to submit, Kil’jaeden convinced his second in command, Gul’dan to drink Mannoroth’s blood.
~ Gul’dan then used the blood to enslave the whole Orc race to the Legion.
~ The Orcs turned on the Draenei and waged a massive war with them.
9. High Elves and Humans
~ The Remaining Highborne, refusing to remain with their backwater cousins who had ruined their source of magic, traveled across the sea to make their own path.
~ So far away from the World Tree, they began to starve and die, their bodies becoming tiny and frail.
~ Their first king created the Sunwell, using a great magic to feed his people. This power saved them and they built a land around it to protect it (Quel’Thalas) – from the Forest Trolls (Zul’Aman).
~ Humans (who knows where they came from, but whatever) ran into the elves due to their lands being so close, and were shocked at the magic the elves had at their command.
~ The Elves thought the humans were amusing and began to teach them simple magic at a neutral ground called Dalaran.
~ Due to this magic use, demons were attracted to Azeroth, so the Elves and humans convened to create a guardian who would have an extended life and magical powers to destroy all demons that came into Azeroth.
10. Medivh
~ After a long line of guardians a simple human woman was made guardian, and in her task of destroying demons, she accidentally ran into a portal that led to Sargeras.
~ the will of Sargeras possessed her and convinced her that only her child would do for the next guardian.
~ She refused to give up her powers when her time came, and bestowed them on her son, Medivh – who was then possessed by the will of Sargeras.
~ Medivh grew up to be the most powerful wizard in all of Azeroth, led by Sargeras to open the portal to Outland, and thus start the war between the Legion and Azeroth anew!
11. (Warcraft 1) The First War
~ The Orcs came pouring through the portal en masse and tried to destroy everything in their path by cleverly building barracks and mining gold and building farms. Seriously.
~ The humans saw this clever strategy, and did the same thing. Sadly, they kinda sucked at it.
~ the Orcs torched Stormwind and Garona (a half-orc Rogue) killed King Llane (who you can kill in the Chess event in Kara!) who was the leader of the humans at the time.
~ The humans managed to trap and kill Medivh.
12. (Warcraft 2)The Second War
~ The Orcs, now led by Doomhammer, thought “hey, let’s try the same thing, only make allies this time!”
~ Sadly, they were thwarted, due to the humans doing the same thing.
~ Gul’dan attempted to summon Sargeras to Azeroth, and Doomhammer turned on him (and killed him). This divided their forces and the Alliance kicked the snot out of the Horde.
~ Ner’zhul decided to take the orcs back to Draenor. So he gathered a bunch of artifacts to open the portal back up. One of these items was the Skull of Gul’dan (this is important later)
~ Ner’zhul opened the Dark Portal back up and he and the orcs all went through.
~ The humans decided that the Dark Portal being open again was bad, so they sent an army through to close it and kill the orcs. The army was led by Khadgar – that guy you see in the middle of Shat!
~ Ner’zhul tried opening a bunch of other portals on Draenor so the orcs could conquer other worlds. Unfortunately, the portals went ker-splodie instead.
~The human armies realized that this meant the entire planet would blow up, so they closed the Dark Portal from the other side so it wouldn’t blow up Azeroth too.
13. The Corruption of Ner’Zhul
~Ner’zhul and his followers ran through a random un-exploded portal into the Twisted Nether, and right into Kil’jaeden. Oops.
~Draenor exploded (this is where Outland comes from; it’s what’s left of Draenor!)
~Kil’jaeden tortured Ner’zhul and his followers for a very long time.
~ After a long period of time, Kil’jaeden drew Ner’zhul back out of the nether when he needed a commander for a new mission to destroy Azeroth – using a plague of undeath!
~ Kil’jaeden sealed his soul into a helm and a sword and encased them both in a throne of ice, which he then placed in the deepest part of Northrend.
14. (Warcraft 3) Fate of the Orcs
~ The humans took the rest of the orcs, cast spells on them to make them docile slaves and went about their business.
~ Thrall was taken as a young child and raised as a pet of a General (who taught him about being a leader of an army!). He eventually escaped due to his ‘friendship’ with a human girl, and realizing it wasn’t nice what the humans had done to his people. (CoT: Escape from Durnholde)
~ Thrall starts setting his people free, becomes a Shammy – by training with the Frostwolf clan leader (Drek from AV), and joins forces with Grom Hellscream and Orgrim Doomhammer.
~ Doomhammer dies at Hammerfall, and Thrall gets his weapon, the Doomhammer, which he weilds to this day. In his honor, Thrall will name Orgrimmar after him.
~ Medivh (no longer possessed by Sargeras and randomly back from the dead) tells Thrall he needs to take his people and get out of the Eastern Kingdoms because a great evil is coming.
~ Thrall listens to him and takes what forces he can muster across the ocean.
~ Thrall meets up with a Troll tribe on an island near the Maelstrom, being overrun my murlocs. He convinces the Trolls to come with him to Kalimdor. They do so. (this is the Darkspear tribe – all Troll players in WoW belong to this tribe)
15. (Warcraft 3) Fate of the Humans
~ In the human side of things, a young prince named Arthas is told by Medivh that he also needs to run across the sea to Kalimdor. He disagrees (as did his father in an earlier scene!).
~ The undead plague begins to kill most of Lordaeron. Arthas goes mad with grief, trying to stymie the plague by even killing people ahead of time. He also kills a Necromancer (Kel’thuzad) who is leading some of the Undead. But it isn’t enough.
~ Arthas opts to go to the source of the issue – Northrend.
~ While there he hears of a magical, powerful sword beyond all imagining – he figures that this sword may be the only way to save his people. (The sword is called Frostmourne)
~ Arthas takes up the sword, and is posessed by Ner’zhul, who had cleverly laid the sword out hoping to capture someone to become his new body.
~ Arthas goes back to Lordaeron and kills his father and overruns the whole land with the undead.
~ A human mage named Jaiyna Proudmoore was with Arthas as he began his decent into madness and upon hearing Medivh’s warning, left for Kalimdor with a bunch of warriors, hoping to find a safe haven.
16. Orcs in Kalimdor
~ When Thrall lands on Kalimdor, he soon finds a group of people known as Tauren, who are struggling to survive in the Barrens due to Centaurs driving them out. He aids his new allies and they become good friends.
~ It turns out that The Legion knows where they are, and Mannoroth comes to collect what is his due. That is, he wants to take the orcs who were trapped on Azeroth back under his control.
~ The Warsong Clan (an orc clan led by Grom Hellscream) comes up against the Night Elves, who don’t take too kindly to their trees being messed with, but both forces are blown away by the Legion coming and suddenly attacking. (the Warsong Clan does briefly make a pact with the Legion in order to overcome the Nelfs)
17. The Legion in Kalimdor
~ Tyrande, upon seeing what the demons are doing to her people, knows that Illidan might be the only one with enough magical power and knowledge to drive them back.
~ Illidan was eager to prove himself, and ran up against Arthas only to find they were evenly matched. Arthas tells Illidan about the Skull of Gul’dan and its immense power, knowing this will bring Illidan into the Legion’s forces.
~ Illidan runs off to find the skull, eats it, and slaughters a demon army. He mutates into a demony thing, but still retains his personality.
~ When he returns, his brother freaks out and banishes him from Night Elf lands.
18. Arthas, the Sunwell, and Sylvanas
~After Arthas killed his dad, he decided to bring Kel’thuzad back to life as a lich. To do that, he needed a sacred urn and some magic water.
~The sacred urn was held by Uther Lightbringer, so Arthas killed him.
~The magic water was the Sunwell of Quel’thalas.
~Arthas and the undead marched through Quel’thalas, but an annoying high elf named Sylvanas kept trying to stop him. So he killed her and brought her back as an undead.
~Then he corrupted the Sunwell and brough Kel’thuzad back to life.
~Kel’thuzad went to Dalaran, got the Book of Medivh, and summoned Archimonde, Mannoroth, and most of the rest of the Burning Legion to Azeroth.
~Archimonde destroyed Dalaran for sh*ts and giggles – what is left of it is in that big purple bubble.
~ Sylvanas repossesses her body, and takes part in the Legion. She eventually finds that Arthas’ hold on her is weakening and plots to kill him (with the help of the Dreadlords). She fails.
~ Sylvanas takes some of Arthas’ army with her, and they become the beginnings of the Forsaken.
19. Archimonde and the World Tree
~ Thrall and one of his Commanders, Grom Hellscream, run into Mannoroth.
~ Grom Kills Mannoroth and dies in the process, but in doing so he frees all orcs from the Blood Debt.
~ Jaina arrives in Kalimdor. Desperate for help, she turns to the Orcs and the Elves and helps drive back the Legion’s forces.
~ They then realize that Archimonde is after the World Tree – they gather their forces, and try to hold him back but he is too powerful.
~ Archimonde grows about 1000ft tall and rips the tree partly out of the ground, while Malfurion summons a giant ball of wisps who basically make the tree grow into him, and eat him alive.
~ The tree is now ruined due to Archimonde’s corruption and Night Elves become mortal.
~ Jaina and Thrall shake hands and call it a day.
20. Illidan, Kael’thas and Outland
~ Kael’thas, prince of the decimated High Elves, knows that it won’t be long before the undead have completely destroyed his people, and now they are beginning to starve again (because the Sunwell has been destroyed – it turns out they were addicted to its magic).
~ Kael goes to his human allies, who basically treat him like garbage and put his failing army on the front lines to spare their own forces.
~ Kael is approached by Illidan and Lady Vashj who promise him a new hope – to go to Outland and take over there, since the Legion has lost so much it won’t be able to control the place anymore.
~ Kael, Illidan and Vashj march to Outland to find salvation for their people.
~ Kil’jaeden is unwilling to give up on his world just yet, and kicks the crap out of Illidan, giving him a single chance to live. Go kick the crap out of Arthas.
21. Northrend
~ Arthas/Ner’zhul realize that their plans are about to foiled as the pesky Dreadlords are aiming to destory the Frozen Throne where Ner’zhul’s spirit is.
~ Arthas rushes back to the Frozen Throne, knowing that the Dreadlords will head there to destroy Ner’zhul’s weakened soul.
~ Arthas makes allies with the Nerubians along the way mostly by killing them and turning them into his servants, but whatever. It’s friendship. XD They lead him through their old city where he finds and kills an Old God (or part of one).
~ Arthas is nearly there when Illidan shows up and he stomps the snot out of Illidan.
~ Arthas trots up to the Frozen Throne, puts on his shiny new Helmet and becomes the Lich King.
22. Alliance Resolutions Since the Last War (before WoW)
~ The king was kidnapped by the people who rebuilt Stormwind.
~ The humans who were far enough south to escape the full effects of the Plague are now recovering.
~ Dalaran is still in “protection” mode.
~ the Dwarves/gnomes have built a Tram from the Dwarf main city to the Human main city.
~ the Gnomes Blew up their home of Gnomeregan to stop a Trogg invasion. Oops.
~ The High Elves, for the most part have withdrawn from human lands.
~ the Night Elves have become a new group of allies, and attempted to grow a new World Tree.
~ Jaina has settled in Kalimdor, in Dustwallow.
23. Horde Resolutions since the last war (before WoW)
~ The remnants of the Old Horde escaped to Blackrock Mountain and the surrounding area under Warchief Rend Blackhand – the son of the guy who led the army in the first war.
~ The Orcs and Trolls have settled in Durotar.
~ the Trolls had an issue with a Dark Magic user, who forced them off their islands the Horde gave to them, so now they live with the Orcs.
~ The Taurens have gained control of their old lands, and have forced a Druidic alliance with the Night Elves through the Cenerion Circle.
~ The Undead who fled with Sylvannas have awoken to the life of the Forsaken – knowing who they were yet turned away for what they are. They joined the horde, though no one knows when or why that happened, exactly.
24. Dwarf History
~ Around the time the humans showed up, the Earthen began to awaken in their chambers deep underground. They had lost most of their original powers, but not their desire to craft things.
~ They called themselves Dwarves…or the humans did. No one knows for sure.
~ At some point in time, the Dwarves divided into three clans, that eventually went to war with each other.
~ The Dark Iron Clan leader, Thaurissan wanted to take control of the Clans, and in his digging in Blackrock Mountain, he dug so deep he came close to Ragnaros (the old general of the Old Gods) – who told him if he could be freed, he would send an army of fire to consume his enemies.
~ The resulting explosion destroyed everything near Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes.
~ The Wildhammer and Bronzebeard clans stood against the Dark Irons and managed to force them back into the mountain, where they wait to strike again, enthralled to Ragnaros.
25. Deathwing/Outland/Netherdrakes/Black Flight
~ After being chased relentlessly for his crimes for hundreds of years, when the Dark Portal opened up Deathwing took some of his flight and dozens of eggs and opted to hide in Outland/Draenor.
~ Gruul destroyed nearly all of the Black Dragonflight, but ignored the eggs.
~ These eggs became corrupted by the Free energy of the Nether, and that is where the Netherdrakes come from.
~ Deathwing’s whereabouts is still unknown.
~ Without Deathwing’s leadership, the Black Flight is being run by two of Deathwing’s Children, Nefarion and Onyxia.
~ Nefarion is trying to create super-dragons by combining the bloodlines of various dragonflights.
~ Nefarion has also made a pact with Rend Blackhand, using his orcs to keep his secret plans of super-dragons safely guarded (BWL/BRS).
~ Onyxia is trying to take over Stormwind by subterfuge and disguising herself as a human – Lady Katrina Prestor.
26. Non-Horde Troll History
~ The Trolls that remained in the three groups – the Forest, the Jungle and the Zandalar (governing) Tribes were further seperated over time.
~ The Forest Trolls that ended up going into the Mountains became furry and became Ice Trolls.
~ The Jungle Trolls who were guarding the lands against the Qiraj when the world exploded (due to the Well of Eternity exploding) were trapped in a desert land, and became Sand Trolls.
~ Some of the Jungle Trolls (the Atal’ai) came in contact with a malevolent force which called itself Hakkar – it pretended to be the “Great Serpent” that all Trolls worshipped.
~ The Jungle Trolls began sacrificing each other to Hakkar.
~ The Zandalari Tribe didn’t condone this behavior and banished the Atal’ai Trolls from Stranglethorn.
~ The Atal’ai made a new temple and began their rituals anew, convinced they would summon Hakkar into this world, and Ysera caught wind of it. She smashed the temple deep into the depths of the swamp, killing all the Trolls within, but she didn’t count on some resourceful Trolls who were practicing nercomancy to save themselves by becoming the undead. (Sunken Temple)
~ Some of the survivors returned with renewed fervor to Stranglethorn and convinced the main tribes to start worshipping Hakkar.
~ Hakkar has been summoned and now resides in Zul’Gurub.
Mess With The Bull…
One aspect about playing a warrior is that one must recognize the inherent disadvantage that the class has in terms of one vs one play. It is a very bitter truth to swallow, but a truth nonetheless. So for all of the warriors out there who dream of laying the smack down when PvPing or in Arena, your best bet of realizing that aspiration is to have a backup healer shadow you. When it comes to dueling, be prepared to lose. More often than not, it is for the simple reason that we are not made to win in a one vs one fight. Perhaps at some point in the future design of the class that may be the case, but I don’t see that changing anytime soon, even with the expansion just around the corner.
Normally, regardless of whether I win or lose a duel, I always try to be a good sport about it and do a bow or a cheer emote. I strongly believe in maintaining good manners and graciousness both in and out of the game. If I am lucky enough to win in a duel, I chalk it up to a mixture of skill and luck. Rarely do I ever gloat. However, the other day there was a player who was thinking himself all “badass” and wanted to challenge me, so of course I took the bait and accepted. He went down twice in two attempts to best me! Of course I told him that I was going to post it on my blog for all the world to see since he was being such a meathead! So there ya go…if your going to try to be a “bad ass”, make sure you can back it up instead of being nothing more than all hot air!
Troll Graffiti Art
This gallery contains 2 photos.
Some years ago, I came across a web page that posted some cool WoW graffiti wall art which was of a Horde Troll. I bet a lot of folks have not seen this, so I thought it would be fun … Continue reading
Hand of A’dal For Realz!!!!!!
As I have goals in real life, I too have goals in WoW. One thing that I have learned over the course of playing WoW is to never give up if there is a goal you really want to obtain. Much like going for a goal in real life, it takes determination, patience, work and a little bit of luck. There are a whole host of WoW goals that I have had over the course of the seven years of playing the game. Most of them I accomplished and a few that I have yet to.
One of the WoW goals I had way back when in the Burning Crusades expansion was to obtain the title Hand of A’dal. It was a very long and arduous quest chain, after which the player would be rewarded the title “Hand of A’dal”. Who is A’dal you ask? Well, put simply he is a very powerful good guy, a being of pure light/energy who asks players to go out and help fight the bad guys. There are some pretty funny stories of players kiting different powerful monster to him and seeing who will win. The first few times this happened A’dal was beaten down shamefully! However, the dev’s soon changed our ever benevolent being of pure light/energy and made him the most powerful NPC in the game. Pretty soon he was laying the smack down on the different monsters that players were kitting to him. There are some fun videos of this out there still on You Tube.
With that little backstory given, I started the quest chain for the title some four years ago. I don’t consider myself a “hardcore player”, more of a “hardcore casual”. What I mean by this is that I like to go at my own pace and go about playing WoW in my own manner. I like to stop and smell the peacebloom. Now, one of the aspects of this particular quest chain was that you had to go into some difficult raids and down some very challenging bosses. Since my guild was not a “hard core raid guild” that made for a bit of task to get some portions of the quest chain completed. One solution as that I would go with some other guilds as a guest on their run and thus with their assistance I would finish that particular portion of the quest and move onto the next part.
Things were slowly moving along, then Wrath of the Lich King happened! What that meant was that finishing the Hand of A’dal quest and obtaining the title was removed! The reasoning was that since players would become a higher level and thus more powerful, then completing such a quest would become too easy. So with that they removed the title and the quest. I was crestfallen! All that work for not. I was pretty disappointed as you can imagine. When I was within the beta of the WLK, just about every beta tester had acquired that title and was displaying it as a badge of honor. “Oh well” I thought, I tried and just didn’t finish it in time. Sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t, such is life.
So with that I went on to enjoy the new Lich King expansion and had a lot of fun misadventures. One thing though, I never did delete my Hand of A’dal quest chain from my quest log. Even though the title and the achievement were no longer obtainable, nevertheless I thought it would be good to see it through and finish it. So over the course of four years, I would work on the different components of the quest off and on.
It was just a couple of weeks back that I finally was on the last part of the quest chain, where I was to help secure entrance to the Black Temple! I was given the quest to help Akama defeat a nasty, powerful demon and help him get inside. So I went through the quest and was beating down the demon, after which this happened…
Forgive me for being “Captain Obvious”, but you will notice in the last screenshot that I somehow managed to acquire the title “Hand of A’dal”, as well as gain the feat of strength for completing the quest chain. I was completely befuddled and mystified as to how that could be, since they removed it from the game???!!!! I sat looking at my computer screen for several minutes not believing what just transpired. I then went onto the web and did a search as to the reason why I was somehow still eligible for the title/achievement. Sure enough something that I was not aware of for the last four years was the fact that a GM stated that if a player was already completed a certain portion of the quest chain that the title and achievement were still obtainable. Holy Moo Moo!!!!! Somehow I was never aware of that post by a Gm and blissfully went on my merry way of working on the quest chain for four years without any sense that int he end I would in fact be award the title and achievement. WOW Indeed!!!!
So there you go, just proves the old adage to never give up and that it can be done!!!!!