I am a Sucker for Dogs (and My Friend Grizz is Too Cute)

As an animal lover, especially dogs, one quest that I recently came across within the came totally tugged my heart! I was knocking out the daily Tillers, when as I was flying over the farmlands I noticed my mini map had a quest exclamation mark appear. Naturally, I flew down to see what was being offered, only to see a lone and lonely dog sitting there tucked between a rock and a tree, evoking a feeling of sympathy and empathy. You know your a sucker with the realization oh how much a video game virtual world can play upon ones emotional sensibilities and get the very reaction they had hoped for. Not that that is a bad thing, just interesting to note it on a purely unemotional, rational and analytical manner. Looking at that dog on my screen, then clicking to read the quest objective threw out all my cold. logical rational self and allowed my deeply rooted sentimental and solicitous feelings to come to the forefront. So I dutifully sought out the nourishment that he so desperately required, killing the large Skyrange Mushan beasts to acquire twenty Tasty T-Bone for the poor, lost and lonely dog.

Once I completed the quest, I made a new best friend. After “woofing” at me happily, he headed off to my farm, where he now contentedly resides. Blizzard sure knows how to tug my heart strings. I readily admit I am a sucker for that quest. There is a famous saying by Roger Caras that comes to mind as I write this, “dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” Well done Blizzard, well done!

Oh, and just for sun, I have to post a pick of my buddy Grizz and his “cute” Pandarian toon as well!

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Missing Mom

Since my last posting well over a month ago, I have suffered the loss of my mom. She finally succumbed to the years of being afflicted with chronic pulmonary disease as a result of her lifelong smoking cigarettes. My dad and I were her primary caregivers for the last seven years, of which the last two were a challenge to say the least. She was in and out of the hospital, yet always retained her sense of humor, resolve and loving concern for us. For anyone who has lost a parent then you know well the emotions and to some degree the tumult that goes with it. Fortunately for me, I have a prodigious amount of love and support from friends and family which has given me much comfort and solace. It goes without saying that prayers prayed by many, as well as the sacraments of the Church provided a very tangible sense of peace, hope and consolation.

Mom taught me many lessons in life, often time unbeknownst to me. One of which is to not get so caught up in the past as to not continue going forward in the present moment. So of course I will keep playing and enjoying WoW and it goes without saying that I will return to writing my BB blog posts. In fact, last night I was within an Alterac Valley battleground where we were able to summon the much beloved Ice Lord to fight on behalf of the Horde. So look for that write up at some point this week. Until then, I ask that you tell those who you are closest to how much you cherish them and love them. One day they may no longer be present to hear those wonderful words.

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PvP Horde Heaven

In all my time playing WoW, one of the aspects of gameplay that I have enjoyed the most is the challenge and unpredictability of playing against other live players in PvP. There is nothing so satisfying as playing a warrior (those who play the class know what I am talking about here) and being able to best my opponent. When that happened, not only do I relish the hard won fight, I always make sure to also “Dink” em with my Flag of Ownership!

There are a lot of memorable moments I can think back upon over the years of PvP, like the first time I ever entered Alterac Valley and having no clue as to what I was to do, feeling completely overwhelemd by the scope and scale of what the AV battleground was at the time. Back in the day of “Vanilla” WoW, a PvP match between Horde and Alliance could last anywhere between five to seven hours! I remember waking up on a Saturday morning, getting into an AV match and then after around three hours logging out to grab some lunch. I logged back into WoW later that afternoon and the battle was still going! Unfortunelty, those days of classic AV are no more, thought I hope that the dev’s may bring back some of the glory and grandeur of classic AV.

Over the years there has been implemented various changes and adaptations to the PvP system. Like anything, there are modifications and alterations that I agree with and others that make me a sad Tauren. In some future post, I will have to expand upon those different aspects. For now, I want to share with you a little slice Horde PvP heaven that I came across earlier in the week thanks to WoW Insider. The article that caught my attention is entitled Rage Against the Zerg: Horde premades sew up Alterac Valley with vicious Rath Strat. I was very much intrigued by this, for the Horde of late is certainly not the Horde of old in terms of PvP skill and fervor. Truth be told, I sold my PvP gear a couple of weeks back thinking I wasn’t going to bother with the battlegrounds until I was level 90 in MoP, so why not make some bag space and sell my gear for gold. Yes, I actually sold gear! My guildies were in shock as well. So in summarizing this article, long story short there is a group of Horde players that have an open, cross server player bases that PvPs together. My prayers seemed to have been answered in terms of actually being able to play with a good group,while having a good potential of actually winning a match. Knowing that sometimes some things that seems so good are not necessarily so in reality, I defiantly had to look into this and find out if it truly was something that I would enjoy and that it would be a good mesh for myself.

Within the article, it mentions that for one to be able to partake in the PvP group there are some basic requirements such as having Vent, a mod that help with being able to que with the group and a most central a good, patient attitude. I went and downloaded the mod and pointed my Vent to the particular server. Spending some time just “lurking” in their Vent channel, I managed to gain a feel for the players present. I was pleasently surprised to learn that they didn’t tolerate the typical sophomoric language and conversations that are far too often the bane of most Vent channels. Also refreshing was the fact that everyone seemed closer to my age. I noticed one of the “admins” was within another channel, so I popped in and introduced myself to him. He was totally cool and welcoming, taking the time to answer several questions I had in order to get a better feel for everything . Afterwards, I went back down to the PvP channel and after a bit was able to get into a group for some PvP goodness.

Suffice to say. in the few days of running with everyone, I have really enjoyed myself. Not only did we win every single match we played, some of which were against other pre made groups, but more importantly, I have met some really groovy players who are both kind, fun and very skilled at PvP. So if you are interested beating down some Alliance with some very friendly and knowledgeable players, then I enthusiastically recommend taking the plunge and coming along for some good, old fashion PvPing!

(On a side note, Life Grip rocks! At one point, I was stuck between a wall and a chair and was unable to move. A kindly Priest took piety on me and was able to free me from my predicament. Time to hoof it at the gym!)

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When Kern Goes Bad

Sometimes it happens. You don’t mean it to, but it does. You feel truly sorry for the pain inflicted and the mayhem caused. But what can one do? You get “mind controlled” and BAM, you’ve gone bad! It’s not your fault either! Some mean, ill-mannered and villainous npc casts some sort of spell that takes all the control you have as a player away from your beloved toon and turns them against your fellow party members and companions! It happened to me the other night when a few of my guilds and friends went to old school Blackwing Lair.

We were trying to help Kateyes tame Chromaggus, but instead I was the one who got tamed! That big, meanie used his ability to control me, even though I was trying desperately to throw sand upon myself! Well, for all the times and instances I had no problem with sanding myself so to speak, this time the gigantious bossious woofious was able to mind control me and used me to take out my friends! Talk about rude! Then, to add insult to injury he wouldn’t let me get away after I was free from the mind control. I went running down the hallway, calling out over vent to “tame him tame him tame tame him”, yet poor Kateyes at that point after running back from the graveyard and entering the instance forgot to dismiss her pet. You can imagine what transpired next. I was yet again charmed yet again by Chromaggus. Sigh! (Actually, it was pretty humorous if I can say so, shhhh)

For those who might not be aware, when a player is unable to dispel the Bronze Brrood Affliction and thus are mind controlled, one actually transforms into a big, scary, sword spinning Drakanoid! Quite a sight to see I have to say! At one point I made my escape away from the gigantious bossious woofious, only to be once more changed back into a Drakaniod. Only this time, I kept moving back and forth attacking the wall! I guess Drakaniods are not the smartest smartest dragons in the dungeon!

After a few more attempts, Kateyes was able to successfully tame Chromaggus without me being mind controlled and wreaking havoc while running into walls twirling my sword deftly! I must say, that as a hunters pet, that big meanie make for a very cool pet indeed! I won’t tell you she named him. that is for another day!

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Rogue: 85!


Late last night, my sneaky, sneaky rogue named Nancia finally reached level 85. While I have been waiting for the MoP expansion I, like many players, have turned to leveling up an alt. It certainly provides a difference experience of game play, for the mechanics of a rogue are quite unlike that of my warrior main toon. One aspect which I find distracting while playing my rogue is that I constantly am looking up at the top of my screen to see how many combo points* I have landed upon my target, rather than watching what is going on within the middle of the fray. I am sure there is an add-on that would greatly reduce my time gazing at the top of the screen counting out how many of the combo points I have, so I will have to look into that, though truth be told, I truly don’t care for add ons.

I certainly do enjoy the sneaky nature of the rogue, for there is something quite comical about seeing the animation of a stealthed, small little goblin slinking about. The other useful skill that my rogue affords me is the ability to unlock all of the looted lockboxes that my various toons have perchance come upon and collected over time. Lastly, the exclusive pick pocking ability is really quite a lucrative endeavor, for the coins amazed from that endeavor really adds up. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy looting the quirky “grey” items that really are quite humorous to find on mobs, much like a Goblins Gentleman’s Magazine.

In terms of leveling, I was fortunate enough to make use of my heirloom gear to help speed through, while questing and going through dungeons. At this point though, now that I am an 85 character, I will primly be pvping in the battlegrounds. Watch out Alliance, Nancia is primed for aiding the Horde in stealth operations!

So if you see a cute, little goblin rogue being sneaky, make sure to wave and watch your purse strings. 😛

* Combo points allows for the rogue to make more powerful use of his or her innate abilities, so the more combo points you have on your target the more range for example you are able to do.

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The Goodness of Gamers

In all my time playing WoW, one statement that I have always said and which I find to be utterly spot on truth in terms of MMO’s is this, “the worst thing about an MMO are the player, while the best thing about an MMO are the players!”. It is truly fascinating to me how WoW really does bring out the worst and best in people, for when people are given a sense of anonymity, where they feel like they can “do” anything without any real repercussions, it very much is a sociological data mine of how people interact with others.

Well, this post for today is one that focuses upon the goodness of others. Before I begin with the narrative, just a simple precursor that I changed the named of the players mentioned, so as to help ensure their privacy.

Some time back, I invited a player named Wendy, who was very amicable and cordial. In time after she had felt at home within the guild, she asked me if it would be alright if I were to let her friend join. She mentioned though that her friend was quite hesitant about becoming a member, for she didn’t have much to offer the guild and worse had some serious health issues that would not afford her much time in playing. For those who are well acquainted with my particular style of guild leadership, I am of the “Laissez-faire” school of thought, meaning let a guild do whatever a guild would like to do. Some guild leaders are very task oriented, others are very struck with rules and directives. I, on the other hand believe that a player plays how best he or she feels fit, so if someone wants to quest, pvp, rp, raid or dance naked on a mailbox who am I to hinder how one wants to spend time playing a game.

So with that notion in mind, I had no problem whatsoever with letting Wendy’s friend into the guild. So lets call Wendy’s friend Julia. I knew that according to what Wendy mentioned to me that Julia was very sickly and oftentimes where weak physically. One of the first things I did when she joined was to really welcome her in, and asked beforehand that those guilds who were on could make an extra grand effort to make her feel right at home. Another thing I did was promote her right up the ranks, so that she would have the highest non officer rank that a guild could have. Normally, when someone enlists within the guild, there is a basic thirty day “trial period”, where I get to see if that player makes for a good match for our particular guild style. Also, it is not until the trial period that a guild has access to the bank and guild repairs. It helps to limit those who join who are seeking to do a quick bank heist and ninja off.

Over time, I would see Julia log on and play for what seemed to me fleeting moments of game play. Always cheerful and upbeat, she always has been kind to those who happened to be log in at the same time. It was several months later that Wendy recounted to me that Julia was in fact living with her, so that she could be there to help assist her with her needs, while making her as comfortable as possible.

Talk about floored. The goodness of gamers indeed! Having to help care for my parents who are now dealing with age related issues, I know from first hand experience just how challenging to say the least helping to support and aid one who has health issues can be. So Wendy is certainly one who exemplifies what it means to be a loyal, devoted friend indeed!

Just to finish off this story, last week Wendy logged on and sent me a tell asking me if I knew anyone that might be able to craft a Vial of the Sands mount. Unfortunately, I did not know of anyone offhand, though I did recall someone in the guild who might know it. The downside was having to wait for when that particular guild might log in and Wendy was really wanting the Sandstone Drake for Julia as soon as possible. Sure enough, I saw one listed on the Auction house for 40,000 gold! Wendy didn’t even flinch at the price and bought it right away. I am lucky if I have a couple thousand gold on me at any one time!

About that time I was talking to one of my in game buddies, lets call him Doug. I was relating to him the whole account of Julia’s health issues and Wendy’s kindness and how she just shelled out 40 k of gold to buy a mount for her friend to enjoy. Doug then asked me if Julia had one of the Mechano-Hog, to which I found out that she didn’t. So what do you think Doug does? Offers to build one and let me have it, so I can give it to Julia!

For those who might be unaware, but the average cost of one of the Hogs on my particular server is around 14k. Yet another example of the goodness of gamers! I took Doug up on his offer, for I knew Julia would absolutely love having a Hog! I offered to gather the mats, in order to replenish the mats he used to craft the mount. So for a couple of days both Wendy and myself were all over Northrend mining and gathering mats.

The big day came, when Wendy was to give Julie both mounts. I happened to be logged in that morning and Wendy asked if I would like to be there when Julia was given her gifts. No way was I going to miss this! So there we were waiting in Dalaran for Julie to log in. What a wondrous surprise awaited her! Sure enough she logged in, and according to Wendy sending me whispers, Julie had no idea as to the two mounts she was soon to get. Wendy told me that Julie was screaming out loud “OMG!!!” and started to cry tears of overwhelming emotions.

Here are some screenshots I took of Wendy, myself and Julia enjoying her cool new mounts!

So just remember, the players that you come across within this virtual world of Azeroth are very real people, with real feelings and real circumstances. I am reminded of the famous quote attributed to Plato (or possibly one Ian Maclaren), ” Be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

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MOP Beta: Warrior Class Thoughts and Then Some

With each new beta build that is released, Mists of Panderia is coming along swimmingly. I certainly am looking forward to this expansion, for my hope is that it will give WoW the much needed shot in the arm that it could defiantly use. With Diablo 3 just released, it would be an understatement to say that many of the tried and true WoW players are currently immersed with a large supply of Mt. Dew and hot pockets to tied them over while they battle against the forces of evil newly unleashed. When I was logged into WoW last night, there was at one point a large influx of guildies who signed in all at the same time. My intuition was correct when I asked if the D3 servers crashed, for sure enough everyone popped back into Wow since they were unable due to the servers being on the fritz. Notwithstanding the release of D3, along with the new Star Wars MMO, there defiantly seems to be a dip in terms of active players on the server I play on. Blizzard has publicly stated that the WoW subscription numbers are hovering around the ten million point, which is three million less than at its most popular peak of player base subscribers. I defiantly believe that the pressure is on a Blizzard to ensure that the Mists of Panderia expansion has to really “shine”, especially since Cataclysm is seeming more of a let down in terms of what players were expecting.

In terms of my beloved Warrior class, there are some changes that have been made that on the surface seem all well and good, though to my way of thinking they should have been incorporated into our class design back within the Lich King expansion. One primary example, is that quite a few of our abilities are now usable in any stance, which I totally welcome, but one that I was championing for back in the LK beta, as were other warriors. With the advent of the death knight class, where by a DK could make use of any ability regardless of whatever presence used. At least we have finally “caught up” to that more streamlined design, so I am quite happy that it is now finally a reality for us.

If you have been following the warrior class beta thread like I have, then you will know that Ghostcrawler (Greg Street) has been posting reposes to the various feedback which the warrior community has presented. While I do not fully agree with the various design choices that Ghostcrawler enacts, I will give him credit for making his presence known in terms of presenting his basic roadmap for the class design. It certainly means a lot to those of us within the warrior community to know that our feedback and concerns are being read and taken into consideration.

For the sake of brevity, I am presetting (in no particular order) some of my thoughts so as to share in the feedback of the warrior class design for MoP:

-War Banner- It needs to be resigned/reworked, for it “feels” too shamanistic dropping a banner for one. I already drop PvP banners, as well as guild banners, so it does not “feel” uniquely like a warrior talent. The duration is too short for one, and trying to make use of it via the action bar is problematic in that oftentimes the text of the ability is overlapping upon the actual War Banner button. Not very fun, nor exciting. If it is the case that War Banner is with us weather we like it or not, I would much rather have it show upon our backs as seen in Warcraft Lore. Also, the duration needs to be increased and hopefully a banner is included that provides something other than a mere “crit % increase”. Like I mentioned, it is uninteresting and not very fun as our “cool, new warrior ability.”

Charge- The base range should be increased to 30 yard, as it stands now, one has to take a major glyph in order to go from 25 to 30 yards. With there only now being a total of three “useful” glyphs offered to a player it seems that one which increases five yards to the distance is underwhelming. Also, why is there no longer any “crit” ability incorporated with Juggernaught?

Slam/Heroic Strike- While I welcome the change to Slam being that it is an instant attack, there really needs to be some more differentiation between these Slam and Heroic Strike. Both are the “meat and potatoes” of our offensive abilities, but they really don’t seem very engaging nor exciting per se these days. I would love for them to “do” something additional and or different to better differentiate between the two.

Rend- I welcome the fact that it was removed. Thank you!

Mortal Strike- While I very happy that it also provides Mortal Wounds (old Rend ability), for being the signature Arms warrior ability, it feels like it is lacking the essence of what made it so defining to begin with. Not only has it healing reduction ability been given to other classes (which I can understand the reasons for), nevertheless in doing so it lessens and reduces the “cool factor” of what it means to be an Arms warrior. I would love for it to have an additional ability, take for example providing a monetary stun. Moreover, how about a new spell graphic to accompany the use of Mortal Strike. Please make Mortal Strike the shining and bad ass Arms warrior attack that it used to be!

Hamstring- It would be nice if there was a small amount of damage given back to this ability. I remember when the damage was removed, since it had to do with it getting a lot of damage procs in conjunction with one of the Shamans totems. As it stands now it is one of the weakest “snares” in the game. I wish it were reworked or given a bit of “umph” to it. It is pretty long in the tooth!

Throwdown- Why was this removed? It is fun and quite useful, especially in PvP situations. I wish we could have it back.

Sunder Armor- I wish it were removed form the game, having to keep three stacks up in a pain and I would imagine that many warriors do not make use of this ability. It would be nice if Colossus Smash would also partake of this ability.

Pummel- 15 seconds seems a tad too long, it would be good to have it back at the 12 second cooldown.

Spell Reflect- Please remove the shield requirement. One of my biggest 9and longest grips) about this talent. I would also like to see a different graphic associated with the use of this ability. As it stands now (as has been mentioned since its inception) having the current graphic glow over our heads when we make use of this ability is problematic for us, since any spell caster with half a brain would know that the warrior is making use of Spell Reflect. It defeats the purpose and is really frustrating.

Sunder Armor- I bet many warriors never make use of this ability. It would be a welcomed change if one just had to apply it once for the full benefits to take effect, rather than have to apply it three times.

Run/Mount Speed Increase- One of the longest pet peeves I have had as a Warrior is that I, as well as my land mount “run” so slow. I wish we could have a passive talent that would finally allow us and our mount to be able to actually move at a decent speed.

Lastly, please allow Arms to equip an offhand weapon. I can’t tell you how frustrating and annoying it is to not be able to equip an offhand weapon if I so choose to. I am unable to equip my Twin Blades of Azzinoth, not some other fun (and dare I say RPish) weapons and items. Please allow us the freedom to play how we see fit within the confines of the game.

I am looking forward to when the expansion is released, but from the vantage point of an Arms warrior, I feel there is still a fair amount of work to be done. Warlocks for example have had some incredibly fun and awesome changes take place. I would love to see some such additions for my beloved class.

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Old Skool Raid on Ironforge

Here is a vid that my RL friend Cilos made years ago when we went to Ironforge to kick a$$!!!! Before the luxury of having the guild rank 25 spell “Have Group Will Travel“, you only had two option in order to raid Ironforge, you either had to mount up and charge on in, or you could use a Warlock to port in the raid. I asked my buddy Cilos if he could work his magic and sure enough we were able to surprise all Ironforge with our War Party!!!! Enjoy the old Skool vid from back in the “good ol’ days” of city raiding!

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Happy Noblegarden

Happy Noblegarden! It is that time of year where players get to hunt for Brightly Colored Eggs that are are to be found around Horde and Alliance low level villages. If your lucky, you can find a fun or cool item within one of the eggs, like some nice rp clothing, a cute rabbit non combat pet, or new to this year a cool mount! You can also collect enough Noblegarden Chocolate to also purchase all of the cool items as well. Funny enough, I was well on my way to gaining the 500 chocolates needed to purchase my Swift Springstrider mount, when with 491 chocolates it dropped! I have pretty good luck, it just comes into play at humorous times! While I love the fact that Bliz added a new mount for players to gain, the poor fella looks like he has had his feathers plucked out!

One thing about Noblegarden is that while it is meant to be a fun WoW holiday, one that helps to build a closer community among players through a fun event, it can unfortunately bring out the worst in people. With everyone frantically rushing around for the hidden colored eggs, in order to gain the various items available for the WoW holiday, there are of course some players that take the fun out of the egg hunt. Unfortunately, some players are very ruthless or downright mean when vibing to get their “quota” of the colored eggs. I actually put one player on ignore because she (or he) was so rude.

I did manage to make some new in game friends while “hopping” around looking for eggs to collect. A kind word, friendly wave or even just saying “sorry” if you accidentally clicked on someone else’s colored eggs goes a long way to help ease a players stress level and helps to remind players that ultimately it is all meant to be a fun experience!

I still remember the first year Blizz added Noblegarden. It was just for a single day, which of course was on an Easter Sunday. The colored eggs were hidden around the actual zones, rather than a particular village. So I was on my Kodo mount riding through Mulgore looking for hidden eggs. There was not a single other player who was partaking in the adventure. People in guild chat were asking me what int he world I was doing and I of course responded collecting chocolate! There were no achievements, nor unique clothing, pets or mounts available, just chocolate and the fun of finding hidden colored eggs. Those few of us who participated in the Old Skool Noblegarden did it for love of the hunt!

So I hope this Noblegarden is one filled with lots of fun. I even was able to take out an Alliance who happened to want to steal some of our colored eggs!


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Funny and True! WoW Machinima Vid: Mists of Pandaria Beta is Not a Joke

Crendor, who is one of my favorite makers WoW machinima videos has released another one. What I enjoy so much about his vids is that they really do capture the essence of many of the flavor and characteristics of players found within WoW from a humorous perspective. I can’t tell you how this particular one rings home in terms of the MoP beta and how some players have reacted.

I can’t tell you how often I have had similar such conversations like this over Vent, or in WoW in game chat…I can totally relate to the Goblin!

(Crendor’s page may not be working due to the high traffic he is probably getting with the release of his new vid…so just be patient and I am sure that it will be back up soon)

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